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Hi Beautiful People,

The end of March is fast approaching? Honestly, the days and weeks go so quickly that one has to be intentional with each day. Although we are in March, which kind of feels like the start of the year, and for some people, they may have started the year with so many aspirations and ambitions; however, as the days and weeks pass by, one may begin to feel stuck and question their current state.

Think about a car stuck in the mud and the driver is trying to reverse backwards, but the car won’t move. Then the driver attempts to move forward, but the car is still not moving. Are you currently feeling that way and thinking to yourself, but it’s just the start of the year? I want you to know that you are not alone. I sometimes question myself, what’s going on with me? It feels like I have lost track of my aspiring goals. And presently, I am not just doing what I originally planned to do. As each day approaches, you find yourself doing any activity as it comes, but deep within you, this is not what you want to do. There is so much more within you that you wish to express. Being stuck means that you stay in a state of stagnation, and one of the things that I think has helped me overcome stagnation is admitting my current state and spending time thinking of how I go there in the first place. Could it be the decisions I made or my past experiences? For me to address what the issue is, I need to understand what the problem is.

Let me use a car analogy as an example, it’s incredible how you can be driving on a journey, and the satnav directs you to go left, but you insist on going right. Because right seems right, and everyone is going in the right direction. I do not believe that we shouldn’t have a mind of our own because I have had experiences when my satnav provides a wrong direction, and I will have to decide what direction is best. However, this is in a scenario when you choose not to listen and follow the crowd or what seems best at the time. This is when within you, you believe the instruction to go left is God-led, but because your mind and your flesh are so used to going right, you decide to do what’s most convenient. When I make a couple of decisions that didn’t feel right, I will take time to reflect through prayer, speak to God and ask questions. Acknowledging that I have missed it, probably followed the crowd, and now I have lost track of the original purpose and the intention God had for me when He instructed me to go left. And honestly, I get to the point where I don’t know what next to do to fix the wrong. But by getting clarity and understanding of what went wrong, I learn a lot of things that empower me to make better decisions. I personally believe that even when we make wrong decisions, it is still one to learn from. Therefore, no wrongs in life are wasted. I believe God uses the experience, the mistake, the rights, the wrong to mould us into becoming better and stronger.

So, what can one do to come out of a place of stagnation? You might need help from trusted people, counselling, a therapist or a coach. In addition, what has worked for me is building a personal and intimate relationship with God and asking him to lead and direct my path. I tried it on my own, and it has failed me. The scripture says lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path – scripture (proverbs 3:5-6). Oh my! There is so much power in God directing your path, He created you, He is the author.

Imagine buying an apple phone, the manufacturer apple provides a manual and that manual should teach you how to operate the phone. If we decide to use the phone without reading the manual, we will lose out on the full functionality of that phone. I picture life in that way, God created us and there’s so much we can learn from building a personal relationship with Him and His Word. Surrendering all to God, humble yourself and ask Him what do you want me to do. Start over again if you have to, sometimes starting over can be challenging due to various circumstances like age and the thought of time and disappointments. But you will be amazed that God can pour His Grace and Supernatural Speed upon you to do even more than you ever thought you could achieve. He is God. The bible says that I have plans for you to prosper you plans to give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). This is such a powerful word, and even if you feel stuck now, surrender to God and be willing to start over. Be ready to take those steps every day to get to where you are intended to be, that purpose, that plan God originally had for you because It is never too late.

The power is in God’s hands, and there’s nothing He can not do. So don’t give up on that dream that purpose. Start over and stop looking at the big picture and begin to walk in little steps day by day. Let’s take that big picture, break it into pieces, and take those little pieces day by day. Like a puzzle it all begins to fit together again and eventually, you will see the big picture again. God got you.


BBB Empower.

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