img_1707My personal  review of this book in one word will be a means of a reality check  to one who decides to read it. Sometimes, we feel we have it all together in regards to what we were created for, our mission and sometimes we feel we have grown in all areas of our lives but in most times we have lost track and we just don’t know it. So how did this book help me, it made me take a step backward to think about all the promises I have received from God and question what I have done with them or what I am doing with them. It made me structure my strengths and weaknesses and areas to concentrate on so that I can be more focused and productive.

I’ll leave it here, it’s up to you to read and discover what I did or even more and watch how effective this can change your life and your thought process. I’ll leave you with two quotes from the book” The resultant effect means that those who give themselves to continuous improvement will continually be over those who don’t. ”And every leader must apiece to attain the highest level of character and excellence because we serve as patterns models or examples for our followers. So what are you waiting for get a copy on Amazon and read it for  a journey to change.