
Hi, I am Nike Pearse and welcome to my blog.

I am a personal stylist, brand and design strategist and an aspiring fashion designer. Fashion and design enables me express every aspect of my creativity. Oh! how I love to shop, dress up and style friends, family and my lovely clients.

This blog was created to share my views on matters such as relationships, careers, books, pictures, ideas and information that can be of benefit to us in our daily living.

I am the founder of BBB empowerment which acts as a community charity and a platform that empowers teenage girls spiritually, physically, mentally and socially as they grow to become women. BBB empowerment started in 2011 and is still growing strong.

The acronym BBB means Brains, Body and Beauty

Brains:  Education / Information / Unique Potential

Body:  Word of God / Purity     

Beauty:  Self Esteem /Fashion and Style

I love Jesus and am passionate about people. I find passion in motivating people to use of their unique skills and talent in becoming that which God has called them to be.

I hope that this blog will create a platform for us to boldly share our thoughts and challenge us all to become the best we can to our community, family, friends and the world.  xoxo 🙂