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Hello Beautiful People,

I want to say a big thank you to my readers, I do appreciate the time you spend reading my blog.

Talking about time, we are in the month of November 2021 and we are approaching Christmas. Oh! how time flies and that is why it is so important to allocate time to do the things we have planned out to accomplish. Planning my day was not something I did in the past, I will have an idea of what I want to do for the day all planned out in my head and as the day goes by, I will try to do as much as I can remember. Well, that is if I don’t forget what I had planned to do because it’s all in my head. I observed that the day will go by without me doing as much as I have planned to do. I may find myself doing things that were never even on my to-do list. Over the years, I realized that I was not doing the things I had set out to achieve. Ok, this might not apply to everyone, some people may be able to follow through by just planning activities in their head but for me, this strategy did not work. How will you know that planning in your head isn’t working for you? Take time to review what you have set out to achieve for the month or year, if you have done little, nothing or have drifted from the original plan then planning in your head is not the right option for you.

What I did for a change was to start writing my daily activities in a planner notebook, yes! just a regular notebook nothing fancy, as simple as it may seem trust me this took a level of discipline to do. Writing things down and saying you will do them does not guarantee that you will or let alone open the planner notebook. And the next day, you may not even repeat the planning exercise. However, you have to make the first move, which is to buy that planner notebook and decide to push through on planning your day. Having a planner notebook and writing in it has helped me to track my daily activities and progress towards my goals or even things I need to do generally in the house. I sometimes miss days when I don’t plan, I even forget to do activities that I have planned out. However, I have decided to keep at it and never give up. The challenge I face is when I have to follow through with my plans for the day during a working week because after work, I just want to spend the rest of the evening relaxing. However, some days I push through using my evenings to achieve those daily plans. I can say sticking to what I have planned out for the day has helped me achieve some goals. In the past, I had the mindset that I did not have enough time to achieve my goals, but the solution is how you plan to use your time daily and maximize the time you have daily no matter how little it is. Try this activity, write down what you spend your time doing daily, this will highlight what you spend your time mostly on. If your time is spent on activities that do not bring you closer to your long term ultimate goals, then you need to restructure and plan your time more effectively. What you spend your time on consistently will grow in the long term. An hour daily on a specific task over a week is equal to seven hours a week, think about what this will equate at the end of each month. Will this not bring you closer to your goals?

I need to improve on following through with my daily plans and be consistent with the time I have allocated to do them. In most cases, although I will complete the task, I may not do it at the specific time planned. Following through a plan with a time allocated gives you that trigger that it’s time and something needs to be done, more like a reminder. And even if you don’t follow through with that specific time, you are still aware that a task needs to be done. Sometimes, I don’t achieve all I have set out to do for the day, but the most important thing is that I have done something that day which takes me closer to my final goal. Also, the process of ticking out what I have achieved for that day is so satisfying and I am sure it will be for you as well as you begin this journey. You can visually see what you have achieved and what can be done the next day as a priority. Planning can be overwhelming, especially if you are not able to achieve your goals due to unforeseen circumstances, but what I have learnt is to enjoy the process and keep it going. If you don’t get things done on your to-do list don’t stress. Stress and worry only weakens your mind and body so instead save your strength and encourage yourself to push through another day. Don’t make planning become a burden, if you do it won’t be valuable and enjoyable to you. Also, start small by writing a few things that are achievable daily and if you have more capacity and time, you can add more to the list. Planning also highlights what you need to focus your time and energy on more often. For me, I am aware that I keep skipping my sowing practice session in the morning, and I end up doing a task that runs into the allocated time for sowing. So, I need to restructure my timing to ensure that I do achieve my sowing task. That’s just one example from many others that I observed, and now I know what I spend my time on more often.

I hope these tips I have shared will empower you to plan and allocate days and time in your planner notebook to achieve your daily task. This blog is available for you to read because I allocated time to write, edit and post without this planning it will equate to me procrastinating.

Habakkuk 2:2 say’s ‘’The LORD gave me this answer: “Write down clearly on tablets what I reveal to you so that it can be read at a glance.’’


BBB Empower.

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